Saturday, 3 October 2009

Lecture 02 - Creative Identity

After our second lecture, this time with our Unit Leader Jared Taylor, opened our eyes into different view of Identity, beyond the technology, this one being the Creative Identity.

As Creative individuals, we all have started by validating our hand made drawing with the object we used as a model. The second stage is usually copying the style of other individuals, artist we admire. The third stage is the most significant one, as a new Identity has been created, now with its own individual style and technique.

This type of Identity made us focus our idea/concept in a new way, no longer we wanted to promote the individual in a general way, but in a very specific and creative way.

The "Tamagotchi" idea, was to be a handheld digital portfolio, where its creature would feed on his creativity.

How would that work? Let me explain in a very simple way.

Being a portfolio = creature, the more work you have uploaded, the more "food" your creature would have to eat, and therefore, the stronger and healthier creature would be.

These are our initial thoughts.

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